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We are a dedicated to advancing knowledge in the fields of life cycle analysis and sustainability assessment.


Our team is committed to providing innovative solutions and efficiencies in measuring the results of industrial and commercial enterprise.



The global scale of habitat deterioration and destruction, climate change and depletion of natural resources has elicited a broad range of responses from government, business and people worldwide. This often appears in the form of bad news and leaves many trying to reach agreement on how to reduce negative outcomes. The Evah Institute looks beyond zero damages for ways to count positive beneficial outcomes that repair and regenerate.

In doing so, our consultants seek ways to leave benefits while avoiding damages.
Guided by this attitude, The Evah Institute deliver exceptional capabilities in improving sustainability, impact and benefit assessment; and environmental building, project and product declarations.  

Our Aim

is to reduce ecological footprints, waste and risk by applying our teams knowledge of and experience in the earth sciences, sustainability and  environmental due diligence.  We deliver a tailored response to your specific requirements. 


Our Story


Our first major public project involved helping to provide cradle to grave eco-analysis for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Green games. Results from these efforts formed the foundations of the seven year $64m Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation project.  This resulted in LCADesign, the worlds first large scale building eco impact modelling tool and associated development of life cycle inventory databases for Australia, UK, the Netherlands, Germany and the East Coast of the USA.  In 2008 the directors of Ecquate Pty. Limited, the parent company of the Evah Institute, signed the licence agreement to carry forward the resultant life cycle inventory databases and associated software modelling tools.  

These tools provide significant capability in life cycle impact and benefit assessment, ecolabelling, environmental product declarations and sustainability assessment. As the primary suppliers of LCA for Global Green Tag we continue to develop and maintain life cycle inventory databases for numerous regions and nations with application in mining, manufacturing, engineering, industrial chemistry, software, architecture and education.

This experience enables us to:

  • Ensure compliant environmental due diligence;

  • Support your company competitive position;

  • Balance your corporate triple bottom line;

  • Enable your asset's ecological sustainability;

  • Review and assess most ecological risks;

  • Rapidly deliver detailed LCA eco-profiling,

  • and assess ecological outcomes across

  • any product, building or project.

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